Submitted by: Ashokneelam
Complaint Details:
Purchased Voltas AC WAC 183DZA, HSN/SAC code:84151090, Sl no: 4011234B18EC08422 vide Invoice no:NEW175 dated :01062018. Received call from Service provider, who asked to get AC mounted in window from a carpenter. I was given to understand that commissioning charges of AC will be Rs.500/-. I inquired, just to connect AC power incoming cable with VS output? I told him, being engineer myself I can do this job. Then I got SMS from TD-VOLTAS; Request no [protected]is resolved. SMS [protected]; 1 if Happy else 2. I sent SMS with 2. No response, thereafter. AC is working with abnormal sound in comparison to another unit of BLUE STAR in our house. May get the unit examined, if it pleases your organisation.