Submitted by: Jnv Moradabad
Complaint Details:
Under reference to the subject it is submitted that the letters of Vidyalya couldn’t be deleivered due Strik of GDS since last 02week and it is inqired personally by the undersinged It is stated by the Sub-postmaster Thakurdwara that the delivery is to be ensured only if it is arrange by your goodself. It is worthmentioning that the Vidyalaya invite tender for Essentials for the session 2018-19 and the extended date is 8.06-2018 and keeping in view of the prevailing situation the tenders could’nt received so far . Being a Cetral Govt. Organization it is requested to make possible every effort to get the official letters which are still undeliverd and hoded at your sub-postoffice 244601 Thakurdwara . Your personal attention is highly required . please acknowledge and reply by return on the mail as given below .
Principal, JNV Moradabad [protected],