Submitted by: Sankara Narayanan K.
Complaint Details:
K. Sankaranarayanan, SB A/c No.168701000005435 IFSC : IOBA0001687 Rajaji Bhavan Branch, Besant Nagar, Chennai.
I have remitted Rs.1149/- to MTS prepaid Data Card and the transaction failed. The MTS Customer Care informed that the amount refunded from their side. Till date not credited. The Details are given below:
23-NOV-2016 PAYTM-2260633101-NET@800528 TRF Debit : 1149.00 Balance Amount :19826.48
Further, I have transferred Rs.2000/- from IOB A/c No.168701000005435 IFSC : IOBA0001687 to my UBI SB A/c No.500802010003521 Tambaram Branch.
The datails are as follows:
03-DEC-2016 TRTR/633818123089/IMPS/03-12-
2016 18:14:29 TRF Debit : Rs.2000.00 Balance : Rs.11323.38
The transaction was success as per IOB, but, actually neither credited at Union Bank of India A/c no. detailed above nor credited back to my SB A/c No.168701000005435
K. Sankaranarayanan
Pay & Accounts Office, SZ,
CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development
“E” Wing, 1st Floor, Rajaji Bhavan, Chennai – 90
e-mail ID:
Phone : 9444024286