Submitted by: SHYAM KISHOR Verma
Complaint Details:
The Chief Manager,
Central Bank of India, Green Park Branch
New Delhi – 110016
Sub.: Double Amount Deduction from my SB A/C No.: 3380861317
I ordered a product for Rs. 1099/- from on 10th august 2017 via SB Debit Card No.: 5196080310023259. I then received a message from your bank that Rs. 1099/- has been deducted but this amount was deducted twice. I cancelled the product at the same time and I requested them for refunding the above amount as I found the amounted deducted twice. has refunded an Amount of Rs.1099/- on 14th August 2017 and they confirmed that only Rs. 1099/- was deducted from their side and the rest of the amount i.e., Rs.1099/- was deducted by bank.
In this regard your bank has deducted twice a time of amount Rs.1099/- i.e., Rs. 2198/- as per my passbook entry. Kindly credit the remaining amount of Rs. 1099/- to my SB A/C as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Rishabh Verma)
SB A/C No. 3380861317